2024 Global Risk and Vulnerability Index
Multi-Hazard Risk (2024)
PDC’s Multi-hazard risk score is a combination of multi-hazard exposure, vulnerability (susceptibility to impact), and coping capacity (the relative ability to absorb negative disaster impacts). This provides a collective measure of how each country may be affected by hazards and disasters as a whole over time.
Vulnerability Indicators
PDC’s vulnerability analysis measures the physical, environmental, social, and economic conditions and processes that increase susceptibility of communities and systems to the damaging effects of hazards. Multiple factors influencing disaster outcomes, including those linked to poverty and development, are considered in the analysis.
Coping Capacity Indicators
PDC’s coping capacity analysis measures the systems, means, and abilities of people and societies to absorb and respond to disruptions in normal function. It considers a range of factors that contribute to the ability of an impacted population to limit the likelihood or severity of the damaging effects of hazards and to manage disruptions that do arise.
Global Disaster Risk Trends
Select a country to view 10-year national trends.